What’s New: Week of April 18

Deadline reminder: April 22 is the deadline for the issue of May 2. April 29 is the deadline for the issue of May 9. All deadlines are at noon. Phone 416-391-1836, ex. 269; fax 416-391-0829 or email [email protected].


Thursday, April 18 



Author and director Etgar Keret is celebrated all day by the Centre for Jewish Studies, U of T. www.cjs.utoronto.ca/etgarkeret or 416-978-1624.



Mount Sinai Hospital Auxiliary sponsors a workshop on caring for people with Alzheimer’s, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., . $150. 416-586-4800, ext. 8282, or [email protected].


Mitch Parker teaches “Loners and Outsiders in the Tanach,” starting tonight, 7:15 p.m., Holy Blossom Temple. RSVP 416-789-7400.



Doctor of education Audrey Huberman discusses “The Ten Commandments of Raising a Mensch,” 7 p.m., Beth David Synagogue.


Friday, April 19



Stuart Schoenfeld discusses “The Case for Israeli-Palestinian Environmental Co-operation,” 7:30 p.m., Oraynu Congregation for Humanistic Judaism, 18 Wynford Dr.


Saturday, April 20



Avrum Rosensweig discusses “The Jewish People: A Light Unto the Nations,” Shaar Shalom Synagogue, 9 a.m.



B’nai Shalom, a Conservative congregation, meets in Oakville, 10 a.m. www.bnaishalom.ca; 905-901-9889.



Temple Sinai celebrates Yom Ha’atzmaut with Israeli food, music, dance and consul general, DJ Schneeweiss, 7 p.m.  $28/$32. 416-487-3281.


Sunday, April 21



Doctors Against Racism and Antisemitism present a conference on enabling the disabled, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Mt. Sinai Hospital. Register at www.daradocs.org.



Tribute to Rav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik, marks his 20th yahrzeit, Shaarei Shomayim, 8 p.m. [email protected]; 647-234-7299.



Beth David Synagogue holds a Maccabiah with games and dinner, 4-6 p.m. $10. Register at www.bethdavid.com.


Baruch Sienna discusses his iBook, The Natural Bible,  Congregation Darchei Noam, 7:30 p.m.



United Jewish People’s Order hosts a panel on strategies to  fight city hall, 7 p.m., Winchevsky Centre.



The Workmen’s Circle holds a program for the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, 2 p.m., 471 Lawrence Ave. W.



Club Beersheba, Na’amat Canada holds a musical program, Bernard Betel Centre, 1:30 p.m. $18 at door. 416-636-5425.



Kehillat Shaarei Torah holds its Women’s Day of Learning with Sara Horowitz, Dvora Sussman, Esther Friedman.  $25 in advance. To register: [email protected] or 416-229-2600, ext. 5.



Amotz Eyal, head of Israel’s only non-profit news agency, at Beth Tikvah, 7:30 p.m.


Monday, April 22



Elizabeth Legge discusses “Constable and Turner,” Temple Emanu-El, 2 p.m. 416-449-3880.



Rabbi Michael Skobac discusses “Witchcraft, Superstition and the Occult,” 8:30 p.m., Shaarei Tefillah. 416-789-0020; [email protected].


 Tuesday, April 23 



Beth David Sisterhood holds a bingo night, 8 p.m. $5.



Heather Kassel reviews State of Wonder by Ann Patchett, 8 p.m., Adath Israel. $10/$15.



Jordan Klapman discusses and performs songs by American Jewish composers, Beth Tikvah. Lunch at 12:15; program at 12:45. Must RSVP 416-221-3433, ext. 352; [email protected].


Wednesday, April 24 



The Jewish Genealogical Society and Polish-Jewish Heritage Foundation present Prof. Antony Polonsky on “The Jews in Poland and Russia,” 7:30 p.m., North York Central Library.



Rabbi Michael Skobac presents a counter-missionary survival seminar for deaf Jews, “Cross-Examining Christian Missionary Claims,” 8 p.m., Toronto Zionist Council, 788 Marlee Ave. 416-789-0020; [email protected].

Thursday, April 25



Harriett Morris reviews Suddenly a Knock on the Door, by Etgar Keret, Temple Emanu-El. Dessert, 1 p.m.; review, 1:30 p.m.





Clanton Park Shul Youth Baseball League for boys and girls (separate leagues)from SK to Grade 6 begins May 5. www.ClantonPark.com/baseball.



Latin/Ballroom dance lessons begin April 28, 1:30 and 2:45 p.m., Stashover-Slipia Congregation, 11 Sultana Ave. First class free. Email: [email protected].

All programs require registration and are open to all members of the community. To register, call Shawna Sidney, 416-638-7800, ext. 6215, or www.jfandcs.com. All classes at Lipa Green Centre, 4600 Bathurst St., unless otherwise noted.

Mind, Body Connection for Women: An 8-session group for women who want to learn mindfulness, meditation. Starts April 27, 35 Madison Ave, 3 p.m.; April 25, Lipa Green Centre, 7 p.m.

Widows/Widowers +65: A 6-session group for men and women over 65 who have recently lost a partner or spouse, starts April 18, 1 p.m.

Younger Widows/Widowers: A 6-session group for people under 60 who have recently lost a spouse, starts April 23, 7:30 p.m.

Understanding Executive Function in Children With ADHD and Learning Disabilities: A workshop for parents and professionals about higher-order thinking skills and children, April 24, 7 p.m.

Adult Children Losing a Parent: A 6-session group for adult children who have recently lost a parent. Starts April 30, 7:30 p.m.


Bereaved Jewish Families of Ontario offers self-help groups to bereaved parents. Beth Feffer, JF&CS, 416-638-7800, ext. 6244, or [email protected].


Adath Israel Congregation. Wednesday afternoon socials. Bridge, mah-jong, Rummikub. Refreshments $2. Call Sheila, 416-665-3333, or Marcia, 416-932-1229.

Shaar Shalom. Play bridge Mondays, 1:30 p.m. Lessons, 12:30 p.m. 905-889-4975.

Beth Emeth. Experienced mah-jong and Rummikub players meet Mondays and Wednesdays at 416-633-3838.

Bridge Club at Forest Hill Library is looking for new members. Call Lea, 416-487-7630.

Hadar Senior Citizens Social Club is looking for new members. The club meets Monday and Wednesday afternoons at Garnet A. Williams Community Centre. Call Phyllis, 905-889-5722.

Seniors Cultural Club meets Tuesdays, 10 a.m., Borochov Cultural Centre, 272 Codsell. 416-630-9444.

New Horizons is a Jewish Hungarian seniors club. 416-256-1892.

Circle of Care. Support group for caregivers over 55 caring for a spouse with dementia or disability, starts April 29, 540 Finch Ave. W. Call 905-738-1128, ext. 323, or 416-635-2900, ext. 499.

Association for Jewish Seniors. “Tax Tips for Seniors,” April 18, Shaarei Shomayim. RSVP 416-635-2860, ext. 458.

Charming Earl Bales Seniors Club in the Park. (60+). Valerie, 416-395-7881. Bingo, April 24, 12:30 p.m.; Crawford Lake, May 14, Casino Rama, May 15; Sunday dance, April 21, 7 p.m.; Tuesdays, fitness, 10 a.m., bridge 12:30 p.m.; Thursdays, line dancing, 10 a.m., social bridge, 12:30 p.m.

Bernard Betel Centre, 416-225-2112. April 23, Gerald Ziedenberg discusses “Trial of Reszo Kastner in 1953,” 10 a.m.; April 25, Judy Weiss discusses “Aging Gracefully,” 1:30 p.m.

Baycrest offers a 5-part class on insights into aging, starts May. To register, call 416-785-2500, ext. 2363, or visit www.baycrest.org/insights.

Active Seniors/Boomers Miles Nadal JCC, 416-924-6211, ext. 155. 

Osnat Lippa presents “Influential Jewish Artists and Their Art,” April 23, 30. $15.

Sherman Campus, 4588 Bathurst St., 416-638-1881, www.prossermanjcc.com.

Rabbi Jay Kelman discusses what ancient and modern texts say about current ethical challenges, April 23, 7:30 p.m., ext. 4235.

April 22, Little Jerusalem is shown, 1 p.m..

Yiddish conversation Mondays 1:30 p.m.; Folk dance, Wednesdays, 10 a.m.; Recorder class, Wednesdays, 11:30 a.m.; Current events, Thursdays, 12:45 p.m.; Duplicate bridge, Thursdays, 12:30 p.m.; Shalom Singers are looking for new members, Thursdays, 10 a.m.

 Rabbi Wayne Allen holds a pre-Shavuot Torah Roll program, May 13, 10 a.m.

750 Spadina Ave. 416-924-6211, www.mnjcc.org.

Young Frankenstein is presented by the Alexander Showcase Theatre and the Al Green Theatre, to April 21. 416-324-1259.

Benjamin Hackman teaches “The Art and Craft of Poetry,” starting April 18, 7-9 p.m., and “The Art and Craft of Short Fiction,” starting April 21, 6:45-8:45 p.m. Ext. 154.

Celebrate Israel. Cooking class, April 18, 6 p.m.; Israeli movie night (Ha’lehaka) and sing-along, April 20, 7:30 p.m.; Yom Ha’atzmaut celebration for families, April 21, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Ext. 326.

Adam Nayman discusses the films of the Coen brothers. April 22, “Political Science,” 7 p.m.

Adult and children swim classes start April 20. Call ext. 530.

MNJCC Klezmer Ensemble led by Eric Stein, Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. Women’s Chorus with Gillian Steyck, Mondays, 7:30 p.m. Daytime choir, Tuesdays, 1 p.m.

The exhibit Nurture: Stories of New Midlife Mothers is in the gallery until April 21.

Jewish Chanting Circle with Rabbi Miriam Margles, April 24, 7:30 p.m.

YiddishTog. A day of Yiddish-language celebration April 28, starts at 11 a.m. Evening concert with Lenka Lichtenberg.

Michael Bernstein Chapel holds services Thursdays at 7:15 a.m., Sundays at 8 a.m. Coleman Bernstein, 416-968-0200.

Lebovic Campus, 9600 Bathurst St., Vaughan. 905-303-1821. Call ext. 3037 to register. www.srcentre.ca.

Celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut.  April 18, 5-10 p.m., Israeli sports; April 19, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Israeli market.