Your daily spiel for Wednesday, May 17

Variant flag of the Islamic State. WIKIMEDIA COMMONS

Your Daily Spiel is The CJN’s daily roundup of trending stories in the Jewish world.

Mouth to mouth for Israeli’s image: The latest issue of the prestigious medical journal The Lancet, which is no stranger to controversy regarding Israel, is devoted to articles about Israel’s health care achievements. 

Ukraine needs help: The Russian-Ukrainian conflict won’t end without intervention from the international community, says the Kyiv-based vice-president of the World Jewish Congress.

Israel the ally in question: The classified intelligence that U.S. President Donald Trump disclosed in a meeting last week with Russian officials was provided by Israel.

Trump puts Israeli spy at risk: Apparently, an undercover Israeli agent embedded inside the Islamic State is, thanks to the president, at risk. The spy apparently had information about an ISIS plot to bomb a passenger jet en route to the United States.

Hammer horror: A Jewish man wearing a kippah on the streets of Marseille, France, was allegedly assaulted by a man with a hammer.

A cutting caricature: A cartoon in a Norwegian tabloid equated circumcision to pedophilia.