What’s New: Week of March 21

Deadline reminder: Deadlines will change because of Passover.    March 28 is the deadline for the issue of April 11. All deadlines are at noon. Phone 416-391-1836, ex. 269; fax 416-391-0829 or email [email protected].


Thursday, March 21



A summer/seasonal community job fair, organized by JVS Toronto, for students and adults, will be held starting at 4 p.m., 540 Finch Ave. W. Pre-registration required. 416-661-3010, ext. 3406.



Rabbi Michael Dolgin discusses “Using Ancient Texts to Understand Modern Israeli Society,” tonight and March 28, 7:30 p.m., Temple Sinai.


Rabbi Eva Goldfinger discusses “Contemporary Jewish Texts and Their Import for the Future of Judaism,” with Oraynu Congregation for Humanistic Judaism, 7 p.m., 18 Wynford Dr. $20. 416-385-3910.


Saturday, March 23



Bernie Farber discusses “Is Canada Losing Its Human Rights Agenda?” at Beth David’s brotherhood Shabbat. RSVP in advance for lunch. Email to: [email protected] or www.bethdavid.com.



Temple Har Zion hosts  Havdalah on Ice, 5:30 p.m., Elvis Stojko Arena. RSVP by March 21, [email protected].



Cantor Jacob Mendelsohn,  creator of the film A Cantor’s Tale, hosts a Shabbat Chazzanut, 8:45 a.m., Beth Sholom Synagogue. Special kiddush following services. 416-783-6103.


Thursday, March 28



A community choral concert featuring the voices of Beth Radom Congregation, Holy Blossom Temple Singers, Beth Tikvah Synagogue, Temple Sinai Ensemble Choir, Lachan Jewish Chamber Choir, Toronto Jewish Chorus, Temple Emanu-El, Temple Shaarei-Beth El, Toronto Jewish Male Choir and Kol Rina Women’s Choir, presented at 7:30 p.m., Beth Radom Congregation, 18 Reiner Rd. $20 suggested donation, proceeds to local Jewish charities.



Rabbi Cory Weiss leads a study of Pirkei Avot, Thursdays at noon, Temple Har Zion.



Doc Pomus Restrospective. Enjoy an evening of music and soul with Jordan Klapman and John Mays, 8 p.m., Beth Emeth Synagogue. For more information, contact Claire Horowitz at  416-663-3838, ext. 242, or visit www.beby.org.



Oraynu Congregation’s young adult group discusses “Jews, Booze and Views: Circumcision,” Pauper’s Pub, 539 Bloor St. W., 7:30 p.m. RSVP Denise, 416-854-0133.


 Other News



Beth Sholom Synagogue hosts a pre-Passover dinner March 22 with children’s entertainment. Call 647-873-1238 or [email protected]. The synagogue holds a chocolate seder March 23, 10:30 a.m. Reservations required.

Shaar Shalom Synagogue holds a chocolate seder, March 24, 1:30 p.m. 905-889-4975.

Chabad of Markham holds a seder, March 25. Call 905-886-0420, ext. 221, or [email protected].

Am Shalom Congregation, Barrie, hosts a seder, March 26. Registration required. 705-792-3949.

Oraynu Congregation for Humanistic Judaism holds a seder, March 25. RSVP 416-385-3910 or [email protected].

Chabad of Markham hosts a seder March 25. Call 905-886-0420, ext. 221, or [email protected].

The Chai Centre is holding seders March 25 and 26. RSVP 416-271-0659 or email [email protected].



Beth Emeth Synagogue is offering theatre trips to Stratford and Shaw festivals this summer. To book, call 416-633-3838 or [email protected].



Registration is now open for  Torah Tots, which is offering a full daycare program and Kindercamp, for children ages 2 to 6. Call 905-886-0420, ext. 227 for daycare or ext. 221 for camp or www.kindercamp.ca.



Meals on Wheels needs volunteers to deliver meals to seniors. Call Karen Sacke, 416-225-2112, ext. 127.



Mitch Parker teaches a course on Loners and Outsiders in the Tanach, Thursdays at 7:15 p.m., starting  April 18, Holy Blossom Temple. Sponsored by the Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning. Advance registration required, 416-789-7400.



Adath Israel Congregation. Wednesday afternoon socials. Bridge, mah-jong, Rummikub. Refreshments $2. Call Sheila, 416-665-3333, or Marcia, 416-932-1229.

Shaar Shalom. Play bridge Mondays 1:30 p.m. Lessons at 12:30 p.m., Mondays. 905-889-4975.

Beth Emeth. Experienced mah-jong and Rummikub players meet Mondays and Wednesdays at 416-633-3838.

Bridge Club at Forest Hill Library is looking for new members. Call Lea, 416-487-7630.

All programs require registration and are open to all members of the community. To register, call Shawna Sidney, 416-638-7800, ext. 6215, or www.jfandcs.com. All classes at Lipa Green Centre, 4600 Bathurst St., unless otherwise noted.

Effective Parenting: A 4-session group for parents of children ages 2-12. Starts March 21, 7 p.m.



Bereaved Jewish Families of Ontario offers self-help groups to bereaved parents. Beth Feffer, JF&CS, 416-638-7800, ext. 6244, or [email protected].


Association of Jewish Seniors holds a seder, March 26, Bernard Betel Centre, 1003 Steeles Ave. W. Tickets on sale at the Betel Centre.

Charming Earl Bales Seniors Club in the Park. (60+). Valerie, 416-395-7881. Bingo, April 9, 12:30 p.m.; Casino Rama, April 17; Sunday dance, April 21, 7 p.m.; Tuesdays, fitness, 10 a.m., bridge 12:30 p.m.; Thursdays, line dancing, 10 a.m., social bridge, 12:30 p.m.

Bernard Betel Centre, 416-225-2112. March 21, “Healthy Eating, Part II,” 1:30 p.m.; An archeology class, “The History of Ancient Israel,” taught by David Lipovitch, begins Thursdays, April 4, 1 p.m.

Baycrest offers a 5-part class on insights into aging, starting in May. Become a more informed patient, a better caregiver or a more competent guardian of your well-being. To register, call 416-785-2500, ext. 2363, or  visit www.baycrest.org/insights.

Baycrest is offering a falls prevention course for older adults living in the community who have fallen or have a fear of falling. OHIP covered. Course starts April 15. Call 416-785-2500, ext. 2588.

Hadar Senior Citizens Social Club is looking for new members. The club meets Monday and Wednesday afternoons at Garnet Williams Community Centre, 501 Clark Ave. W., Thornhill. Call Phyllis 905-889-5722.

Seniors Cultural Club meets Tuesdays, 10 a.m., Borochov Cultural Centre, 272 Codsell. 416-630-9444.

New Horizons is a Jewish Hungarian seniors club that offers kosher food, card games and casino trips. 416-256-1892.

Active Seniors/Boomers Miles Nadal JCC, 416-924-6211, ext. 155.  Osnat Lipa presents “Influential Jewish Artists and Their Art,” April 16, 23, 30. $36.

Circle of Care/Baycrest Day Centre for Seniors provides a secure Jewish environment for seniors with dementia. Transportation provided. Call 905-738-1128.

A Support Group for Russian-Speaking Seniors is offered by Circle of Care. Call 416-635-2900, ext. 498 or ext. 477.

Sherman Campus, 4588 Bathurst St., 416-638-1881, www.prossermanjcc.com.

Tickets for theatre day trips now on sale. Registration now open for spring courses.

Courses offered are: Borsht Belt and Bubbameises, starts April 8; Bridge levels 1-3 starts April 8; Mah-jong evening class starts April 8, daytime class starts April 10; Advanced bridge starts April 11.

“Europe United and Divided,” taught by Hugh Innis, starts April 9; “What’s So Funny: The Complex World of Comedy,” taught by Kevin Courrier, starts April 10; “Influential Jewish Artists,” taught by Osnat Lippa starts April 11; Yoga with Dorry Korn starts April 11.

The Jack and Pat Kay Centre Camp will run a Passover camp, March 25, 28, 29 and April 3. Depot bus service, daily indoor swim and camp programming. Call Lauren Grundland, ext. 4039, or [email protected]. Register directly at centrecamp.ca.

 JCC Family Ice Skate at The Pavilion, March 24, 3-6 p.m. [email protected].

750 Spadina Ave. 416-924-6211, www.mnjcc.org.

Registration for spring classes,  March 20 for MNJCC members and March 28 for non-members.

A community seder will be held March 25. Reservations, 416-516-2005.

Rabbi Aaron Levy teaches “From Barley to Psychology: Evolving Approaches to the Omer,” April 3-24, 7:30 p.m. Ext. 154.

What Is Toronto? A performance curated by Toronto historians and civic thinkers, will be presented April 5, Al Green Theatre. Pre-show chat 7:30 p.m., show at 8 p.m.

Zuzana Sermer, author of Survival Kit, gives a Yom Hashoah lecture, April 7, 11 a.m.

The MNJCC Klezmer Ensemble led by Eric Stein meets Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m.

The Women’s Chorus with conductor Gillian Steyck meets Mondays, 7:30 p.m. Daytime choir meets Tuesdays, 1 p.m. No auditions needed.

Jewish Chanting Circle meets April 10, 7:30 p.m. with Rabbi Miriam Margles.

Nurture: Stories of New Midlife Mothers is in the gallery until April 21.

Young Frankenstein presented by the Alexander Showcase Theatre and the Al Green Theatre, April 11-21. 416-324-1259.

Call for submissions for the Canadian Jewish Playwriting Competition 2013. Deadline is July 2, 2013. For guidelines, see www.mnjcc.org/CJPC.

Michael Bernstein Chapel holds services Thursdays at 7:15 a.m., Sundays at 8 a.m. Coleman Bernstein, 416-968-0200.

 Lebovic Campus, 9600 Bathurst St., Vaughan. 905-303-1821. Call ext. 3037 to register. www.srcentre.ca.

Pizza party and animal show for grandparents and grandchildren, March 24, 10 a.m. Call ext. 3037.

StrollerFit classes for mothers and babies start April 11. Call Tonya, ext. 3028.

Registration now open for the centre’s big band, starts April 10. Call Staci, ext. 3037.

PJ Library time with a Yiddish twist, May 5, 3:30 p.m.