Four arrested for torching Greek synagogue

ATHENS — Four men have been arrested in connection with two arson attacks on a synagogue on the island of Crete.

Two of the men in Greek police custody are British, one is American and one is Greek. They are aged 23 and 33 and have not been named.

The four are being held in the coastal town of Hania, where the Etz Hayyim synagogue is located. Police said they are all being held on charges of arson.

The men work as bouncers and waiters at local clubs, according to police.

Asked why they committed the crime, the accused reportedly said it was because they do not like Jews. The Greek man was arrested first, at which point he confessed and gave the names of the others.

The first attack occurred on Jan. 5, but it was the second attack on Jan. 16 that caused extensive damage to the synagogue’s interior, archive material and technical equipment.